
To promote the process of participatory, self-reliant, environment friendly sustainable development of the poor to help themselves in alleviating poverty by exploring their potentialities and using local resources for socio-economic development and empowerment underprivileged community specially women and children. 


  • To foster socio-economic development to poverty alleviation.
  • To cooperate and enable the poorest mass to come under an united structural framework.
  • To enable in ensuring the woman and child rights in the society.
  • To enable poor people to have safe water & healthy sanitation practice with behavioral changes.
  • To preserve the environment and operate actions directed to prevent natural and social degradation due to climate changes.
  • To foster environment friendly agricultural programs for multiple crop production, fish culture, homestead gardening, poultry and livestock.
  • To ensure female participation in the socio-economic development efforts by providing them due organizational training so that their claim for justice and rights can properly be preserved.
  • To build the rural women in such a manner so that they can grow with their own equitable duty and right-based consciousness.
  • To establish social justice and equal rights.
  • To eradicate poverty, especially of women, children, disabled and minorities
  • and sustainable access for them to rights, and sources of employment, income      generation and wealth.
  • To build social and legal awareness among the stakeholders.
  • To increase the household income of the rural and urban poor and ultra-poor through capacity building, ensuring their involvement in Income Generating Activities and creating employment opportunities.
  • To protect the rights and social justice for poor men, women, children as well as for the disables living in urban slum and rural areas and reduce all forms of violence against women.
  • To provide assistance vulnerable and affected people through disaster preparedness, management, relief and rehabilitation.
  • Increase community resilience and reduce vulnerabilities to disaster by strengthening the ability of people for survive and rebuild livelihood after natural disaster and environmental degradation.
  • To ensure relief and rehabilitation support to disaster affected people.
  • Promote a sustainable livelihood capacity of the person with disabilities, child labor, working children and street children by providing non-formal quality education and training and other support services for rehabilitation.
  • To provide human development and occupational skill development training to the target peoples to improve their leadership capability and vocational skills for productivity.
  • Promote a sustainable livelihood capacity of the person with disabilities, child
  • labor, working children and street children by providing non-formal quality      education and training and other support services for rehabilitation.
  • Prevention of acid violence, torturing, dowry, early marriage and sexual abuse.
  • Build capacity of the local government and civil society and ensure their active participation in planning and implementing the local development.
  • Undertake food security program through homestead gardening, nursery development, poultry rearing, livestock rearing, food processing, fisheries development.
  • To empower the poor, ultra poor and disabled socially & economically through ensure justice, increasing dignity and establishing good governance.
  • To establish strong working relationship with the government authorities and help & support their initiatives and efforts as a development partner.
  • To ensure the involvement and participation of the disadvantaged, vulnerable people including women and children in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the development activities and programs..