Love Thy Neighbour has been working with Education Health and Family Planning, Pre-Primary Education, Rights and Social Justice, Gender and Development, Water and Sanitation, IGA Training Program, Rights of persons with disability and Development program, IGA Training Program and Environment and disaster management program Empowerment of adolescents program by the support of Government of Bangladesh, national and International donor agency.
Message from Executive Director
Dear Visitors,
I would like to encourage you to explore our website in more detail to find out about our work and to see how you can get involved with our activities. I am hopeful that Love Thy Neighbour members, volunteers, donor agencies, government agencies, networking members and other concerned agencies will be able to know more information about LTN’s activities through this website. We would like to thank the Government of Bangladesh, Executive Committee & General Committee Members of LTN, our donors, partners, and supporters for their generous and continued support and cooperation for all of our endeavors. We are committed to continue to serve the people of Bangladesh. We will work to alleviate poverty and empower the powerless underprivileged community. I would like to also encourage you to contact us through the feedback section with any comments or questions you may have about our activities.
LTN’s efforts are dependent on the generosity of our philanthropic donors and patrons, who supported us, we are confident, would continue supporting us in the future. We are grateful to them and my heartfelt appreciation to all of them.
We invite you to go together with us on our journey in making a difference to transform lives of underprivileged people of Bangladesh.
Sincerely yours,

Ms. Mahamuda Begum
Executive Director